

To empower people to connect to food and their community by revitalizing urban spaces and building a resilient food culture.


We envision a strong network of communities centered around the cultivation of fresh, healthy food.

Our Staff

Soni Scheig, Farm Manager & Small Farm Initiative Program Director (they/them)

Soni’s interest in the food system began in college in Southwest Colorado while working with their school to offer more local, sustainable, fair trade, and humane foods in the cafeterias. Soni’s areas of interest in the food system involve almost all aspects of it—growing food, cooking, waste management, and so on. They believe that the connection food brings to people in a community is extremely important. To learn more about the food system, they pursued an internship on an urban farm in St. Paul, MN which sparked a huge passion for connecting with community by growing food. Years later, Soni is the farm manager of GULB, teaching the next generation of farmers, running the CSA, and connecting community to our local food.

Contact: sfi@gulb.org

Jessica Collette, CSA & Distribution Coordinator and Farm Co-Manager (she/they)

Jessica has been interested in working at the junction of sustainable farming and food justice since spending a few years living in a rural midwestern community that was both a haven for organic farms and a food insecure region. She has worked in various settings, from a food pantry in northern Wisconsin to a homestead in mid-coast Maine to an educational garden in Moab, but her path eventually led her to Salt Lake City to work with the Green Urban Lunch Box. She has spent time working with most of GULB’s programs, but really found her place within Back-Farms. If you find yourself in one of Jess’ gardens, she’ll probably try and convince you that the most exciting garden delicacies are radish seed pods, okra, and nasturtium leaves.

Contact: markets@gulb.org & info@gulb.org

Izzy Pritt, FruitShare Coordinator

My name is Izzy and I’m excited to return to the GULB team as FruitShare Coordinator! You may recognize me from past seasons where I’ve been a Harvest Leader.

A little more about me: In 2019, I moved to Salt Lake from Ohio and have been falling in love with the valley ever since! When I’m not climbing fruit trees you can find me riding my bike around the city with friends, skiing, cooking, or slinging beers at Grid City Beerworks.

Excited to see faces and fruit trees old and new this season!

Contact: pickfruit@gulb.org

Haley Kline, Back-Farms Program Coordinator (she/her)
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Haley grew up in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, where a love for the outside world was ingrained at a young age. Her passion for farming was sparked through WWOOFing at an organic farm in Oregon. Her interest in local food systems, community, and health developed during her years in college at Plymouth State University. She got her B.S. in Holistic Health and Wellness, and her goal is to one day work with people and groups facing barriers in a farm setting. She’s worked and volunteered at multiple farms, where she’s begun to learn everything it takes to run a farm – from working in the fields to running the farmstand. These experiences built a foundation for her, and she is now dedicated to working in sustainable, community-based agriculture. She eventually ended up at GULB, and is so excited to be the Back-Farms Coordinator for the 2024 season.

Rachael Hall, Back-Farms Garden Leader
Rachael RAR profile

Rachael was drawn to The Green Urban Lunch Box by their Canner’s CSA share and then the SFI program.
She has a big love for community, food preservation, and local food production as a way to cut down on fossil fuel usage.

Rachael will be working in the Back Farms program this year, as well as growing on their own plot of land as a continuation of the SFI program.

Find Rachael doing clothing repair events, biking vegetables around town, organizing for a local bicycle advocacy group, and talking about her pet vermi-composting worms.

Our Board

  • Matt Mulligan, Chair
  • Shawn Kintaudi, Treasurer
  • Mary Ann Powles, Secretary
  • Katie McKeon
  • Natalie Kane
  • Theresa Ashman
  • Preston Corless
  • Emily Ingram

Contact our Board of Directors at board@gulb.org!