Back-Farms connects volunteer Garden Apprentices with senior citizens to build, cultivate, and maintain organic gardens in their backyards, providing a hands-on educational experience, connections, and fresh, local produce to all participants.
Note: Please apply for our waitlist for the 2025 season, or contact for more information.

How Back-Farms Works
Season-long volunteers, called Garden Apprentices, are matched with a senior participant’s garden. Each week, Garden Apprentices visit the garden, caring for the garden, getting to know the seniors, and learning how to grow food from our experienced garden staff.
The produce that is grown in each garden is shared between participating seniors and Garden Apprentices, as well as distributed at Free Farm Stands at senior centers across Salt Lake County.

Stats 2022
Seniors Served
Volunteer Hours
Pounds of Food Grown

Join the volunteer team!
We love our volunteers and would love to have you join us! There are many ways you can volunteer–from picking fruit to helping in a garden to sitting on a committee.