
A crate of fresh fruit for you every week! When you support our FruitBox program, you are also revitalizing urban spaces, preventing food waste, and feeding people in need.

How the Program Works

What you can expect.

For just $300, you can have the freshest fruit in your home every week for 12 weeks AND support a vital cause!

  • One milk crate 1/2 full of a variety of hyper seasonal fruit every week for 12 weeks (July – September)
  • Includes a mix of apricots, apples, pears, plums, grapes, peaches, and, Asian pears.*


*This list is not exhaustive, and there may be varieties included or some from the list excluded as this depends on what is ripe and ready for harvest in the valley. While some weeks may include more fruit and some weeks less, we believe the amounts balance out. 

  • Pick Up Locations:
    • Our Farm, 3188 South 1100 West, South Salt Lake, UT 84119
      • Thursdays 4 – 7pm
    • Patagonia Outlet Store, 2292 Highland Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84106
      • Thursdays 4 – 6 pm
    • Bicycle Collective, 325 W 900 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84101
      • Thursdays 4 – 6 pm

Where does the fruit come from?


FruitShare: The fruit you will receive is harvested in our FruitShare program. This program actively works to reduce food waste while feeding those in need. We coordinate groups of volunteers to harvest previously unused trees in the Salt Lake Valley. The volunteers keep some, the homeowners keep some, and the majority is donated to local hunger relief efforts.



Why are we selling it? Our FruitBox and Canner’s CSA programs are a unique way for us to become more self-reliant as an organization. By purchasing a FruitBox, you are directly supporting this program.


“Delicious fresh, local fruit! There was enough to eat and also preserve! ”
Anonymous Survey Response
FruitBox Shareholder 2021

Stats FruitShare 2022




Volunteers Hours


Pounds Harvested


Tree Harvested

Other Ways to Support This Program

Is FruitBox not for you?

We also offer a weekly Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Share which includes vegetables, greens, and herbs. Or perhaps you are looking for crates full of peaches and canning vegetables to preserve? Check out our Canner’s CSA.

Join the volunteer team!

We love our volunteers and would love to have you join us! There are many ways you can volunteer–from picking fruit to helping in a garden to sitting on a committee.